Friday 27 April 2012


Hi Friends and Family

I have decided to cycle from Grahamstown to Cape Town in order to set up a fund to help finance the schooling of Dumela, the Grandson of my childhood domestic- Sesiwe Nyamagazi (Please see banking details below). Dumela's mother Nobelungu (Nunus) has recently died and his father has not played a relevant role in his life. It has been left to Sesiwe and Nobelungu's sister, Gemma, to look after his wellbeing. At Nobelungu's funeral I promised Sesiwe that I would help in some way and I suppose this is me trying to fulfil that promise in some small way. I must stress from the outset that I have discussed my plans with the family and I have their blessing to proceed with this journey.

I have been asked on a number of occasions as to my reasons for wanting to help Dumela and also my reasons for not raising funds for a more general cause-surely there are many Dumelas out there and why should people contribute financially for one individual. My simple answer to these questions is first that I made a promise to his Grandmother, secondly that I believe that giving one small child a real chance in life can make a difference and thirdly to aid in breaking the cycle that Nunus was subjected to because of the harsh realities of the Apartheid educational system. I believe that Dumela can make a difference with the right education! Lastly the humbling experience of being present at Nunus funeral had an intense emotional effect on me and moved me in ways I did not realise existed in my cocooned world -- I knew then that Nunu’s story was far from over for me.

My trip will be unassisted and I will be travelling alone on the back roads for the majority of the 950km route.  I will present a map of the route later but will be attempting to cycle through rough terrain like the Baviaans Kloof and Die Hel. At Die Hel I will be carrying my bike over a mountain range before continuing on my way to various small towns along the way. Details will obviously follow as I update the blog along the way. 
I must add that I have intense feelings of trepidation about this journey. I am not a cyclist and have very little experience of this type of thing. I am also rather gregarious and love company of others and this is likely to be a rather lonely experience -- that part of the trip worries me.
Cheers for now.

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