Friday 18 May 2012

DAY 10 - Friday 18th - COLD & WET

Woke up and flip it was cold and  raining. Decided to give the Montagu  pass a go though and I am not ashamed to say that Í  came second - in fact I felt like the last cyclist in a field of 1000. As I began the trip the rain and wind ripped up the valley and assaulted me. "Man up son!" I told myself. "Think of Shakleton and those adventurers and toughen up". Well it didn't work and I shouted at God, told Shakleton that he was a twit for taking the conditions and quite literally froze. Too be absolutely honest the only reason I did not stop under the numerous bridges and seek shelter was because apparently the Montagu pass is full of ghosts and it looked like the perfect setting for that kind of situation. I arrived in George blue! I could not hold a cup of coffee at the Wimpy and battled to think coherently. Eventually got hold of Kelly and she steered me in the direction of her aunt and uncle, Rene and Rory Dower. It turned out that they lived 2 blocks away and I was treated to a shower, tumbler to dry my clothes and hot coffee.  Because of their great help I was able to get going soon afterwards and reach the original destination for the day -Brandwag. It rained on and off for most of the day and the wind continued to klap me but nothing like in the morning session.  It was a tough day but in a way very special. It feels good to be tested and laugh about it afterwards. It was also very meaningful to have my parents around to witness a part of this journey knowing that they will be away when I reach Cape Town.

What an amazing experience and a memory I will have with me forever.

Tomorrow I hope for better weather and further  kms.


Cold, battered and bruised!

..Brandwag here we come!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Piglet, at last you're being tested a bit. I can see you're slimming down nicely - getting rid of some of that jelly boeta.Keep going, not far from a big hot braai in Cape Town.
