Sunday 20 May 2012

DAY 12 - Sunday 20th - SLOW IS GOOD

After spending many days on the gravel roads it was a weird experience hitting tar. I had to get to either Heidelberg or Riversdal to cross over to the coast and ended up choosing Heidelberg. It meant another 30 km on tar but as usual there was a lesson. I watched as car after car screamed past me with robotic forms inside staring aimlessly out at nothing. The scene was reminiscent of something out of a zombie horror movie.

 I on the other hand journeyed along like the tortoise taking in all the smells and beauties of the landscape. I noticed the colours of the grasses and the way they danced in the wind , the birds in play, the clouds and their ever changing forms, the smell of distant rain  and the sound of those strange creatures in the deep thicket. I have always loved the landscape of this area - the true breadbasket of South Africa and I feel privileged to have gone through it slowly. I think I really stopped and smelt the roses today and I loved it! 

I am looking forward to seeing the sea tomorrow as I plan to reach Malgas and further. 

I hope you all had a lovely family Sunday.

Start of the "Breadbasket" of our country

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