Wednesday 16 May 2012

DAY SIX - Monday 14th - BAVIAANS

It was with great excitement that I left Patensie, as usual at 630, and headed for the Baviaans. It was a 40 km route to get to the reserve gate but felt like 10. Everyone was heading  off to work to work in the orchards and. I think I must have said ' more'  approximately 50 times. About half way I encountered a group of 5 kids and they ran with me as I came past trading high fives and smiles. I was so taken aback that I stopped and chatted. They were off to school and waiting for the bus which arrived as I left. Little did I know that they were the first on the bus route and the taxi stopped another seven times to pick up other kids. I think they must have told the driver to wait for me at each stop and the shouting and whistling got louder after each stop. I eventually told them what this journey was about and the only reply I got from the mischievous youngsters was ' jy is mal Oom- jy gaan sterf,'. - means you are mad Uncle and you are surely going to die. F or the hundredth time on this journey I thought of Dumela’s education. Finally I arrived at the gate and was met by the gate crew. They were incredibly caring and had been told what I was up to by the reserve manager Siswe Mkulife. He had organise one of the rangers Jacob to trail me in case the Rhino and Buffs took an interest in me. Well Jacob did more than that - he motivated me up those hectic but mind blowing mountains and spurred me on when I thought I was finished. We finally got in to Rooihoek camp at 3 and I soon realise I was the only person there.    It was a little eerie as the bakkie took off and I stood looking up at the beautiful red mountains and the clear stream- for those of you who have been there you will know how the place  has  the power to make you feel incredibly insignificant. I had a walk on the white beach and then set up camp. I thought I had everything organised and got into the sleeping bag after another boring two minute noodles supper. After about 15 minutes I felt water all around me - to cut a long story short I had accidentally lent on the water outlet valve on my camelbak- The immediate result was the equivalent of a burst waterbed. The fun did not stop there- it began to rain hard and I now know that my tent is absolutely not waterproof - it was a very cold and lonely night indeed.  

At the start of the baviaans with the crew and Jacob on the left

The beach at Rooihoek



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