Wednesday 16 May 2012

DAY SEVEN - Tuesday 15th - TOUGH

Woke up wet, sore and down. I had to cross another mountain range and again did not know where I was going to stay. I realised the day before that getting over these mountain ranges limit your distance. I soon however bucked up when the rain subsided and got over the range relatively easily- I think it took approximately four hours to cover the 20 kms. My left knee is not feeling great though and I am a little worried about it. The trip down was exquisite - spectacular views and the wildlife incredible. I have never seen Kudu and other animals so close and it must be something to do with the silence of the bike. Crossed many a river and almost fell in one which would have been very funny but managed to crash into the bank instead. Finally found a B and B called Bo Kloof, which is great, after finishing the long ride at 5 and only covering 70 odd kms - and at least I will be dry tonight! I have met so many great people that have been so generous in motivating me and today was no different. I wish I could tell you about them but this would take too much time. Its weird how this journey almost feels like I am thawing out in so many respects and my confidence in the kindness of the human race is just one to mention tonight.
Lots of Love


  1. You'll be ok Guntie just hang in there. We carry you in our thoughts.
